“For a 19-year-old girl, moving alone from Nepal to Italy (Kathmandu to Ca’Tron) was a dream come true. I have always been a girl wanting to get out of her comfort zone and strive for more, which I consider a blessing in disguise for me” writes our student Neeti in an article published on H-FARM College’s newspaper, H-Insiders.

Let’s meet her and gain insights into what it means to study abroad at H-FARM College.

Hi Neeti! Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background? What motivated you to choose H-FARM College for your studies?

I’m Neeti and I come from Kathmandu, Nepal. I always wanted to travel and experience new things outside of my comfort zone so I took the opportunity of pursuing my bachelor’s abroad and applied to many different courses in Europe. That is when I came across Digital Management and really liked the curriculum. So, I applied and got in and that’s when I found H-FARM and I was really intrigued by the campus. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I’ll say that it really looked like a place for me. It was a big decision to make, especially considering that it was also a life-altering one but I made it and I’m really glad that it’s been great so far.


What were some of the biggest cultural differences you encountered when you moved from Kathmandu to Italy?

There are many cultural differences considering both places are very different from one another. I’d like to talk about some personal things that are quite different from the life I used to experience back at home. Like, summer and the sea in Italy. It was my first time being in the sea and I love how there is a different atmosphere in summer here. Also, the drinking culture here and how it is an integral part of a meal is quite a cultural difference. I think there is a stereotype that people in Italy are loud and rude but so far, I’ve not encountered any rude experiences. I’d say that people are just more expressive here.

Has studying abroad at H-FARM College contributed to your personal and professional development? If yes, in what way?

Yes! Certainly has. I am a very different person than I was two years ago and H-FARM has contributed much to it. It is hard to fit in in a new place where you don’t know anyone or anything. But it was an interesting challenge since my main motive was to explore and grow personally, professionally and academically. I have done it a lot and H-FARM provides a great environment for people willing to learn and do more. I have gotten better at my leadership and public speaking skills, not just in terms of speaking to people and putting things in order but also in the manner of how to act and actually communicate and get your message across. I am also getting better at sharpening my hard skills thanks to numerous enhancing courses here at H-FARM.

Looking back on your journey so far, what are you most proud of?

There are a lot of things to be proud of as of yet but I think I’m mostly proud of myself for being on the right track and following my mind and my heart. I’m also proud of the fruitful connections I’ve made with some people so far. Failure is a part of the process and I wouldn’t be able to grow if it wasn’t for the supportive people around me with whom I’m able to talk about my interests and ideas, gain a different perspective and go forward.

Can you share a funny or memorable story from your time on campus? 🙂

I always think of this embarrassing moment that happened in FUTURESHOTS. There was a food stand selling chicken and pork sandwiches. I was with my friend and I had a pork sandwich. There was a man next to me and he asked “Pollo?” to which I replied, “No, maiale.” My friend started laughing because the man, apparently, had asked me “Buono?” and not “Pollo.” It was a little embarrassing but oh well, everybody had a good laugh.

What advice would you give to prospective international students considering studying at H-FARM College?

Making decisions about your studies is always a hard choice especially if you have multiple options. You’re taking a risk no matter where and what you choose to study. For me personally, studying at H-FARM College was the best decision I made and I wasn’t even sure of my decision at that time. Studying abroad has its ups and downs but that’s what makes it worth it, isn’t it?And don’t forget that there is always a friendly face and a helping hand for you, as long as you’re not afraid to ask.