Are you new to our programs or hearing about us for the first time?
Register for an online or in-person Open Day to learn about H-FARM College, our academic offerings, methodology, campus, and student services.
Whether you’re planning your future university path or are already a graduate looking to continue your studies, we want to give you all the options to get in touch and gather information about our programs.
We offer several ways, depending on your needs, to support you and provide all the necessary elements to make an informed decision about your future.
Select On-Demand Open Day to access the recording of the first part of the Open Day. Later, you can choose a date for the Live Online session to explore the course content in depth and connect with the admissions team.
Alternatively, choose On-Campus Open Day to join the next event at the H-FARM Campus.
If you can’t find a suitable date but still want to visit the campus and get more information, we’ve got you covered: Every Day is an Open Day!
To help you choose the course that best fits your goals, we invite you to download the program brochures.
Inside, you’ll find all the details about the programs, including course plans, admission requirements, costs, and financial aid options.
If you’re not yet familiar with our academic offerings, start by downloading a brochure!
Are you new to our programs or hearing about us for the first time?
Register for an online or in-person Open Day to learn about H-FARM College, our academic offerings, methodology, campus, and student services.
Every Monday starting at 4:30 PM. Pick a date and discover our bachelor’s degree programs!
Every Wednesday starting at 4:30 PM. Choose a date and find out how you can continue your studies with an H-FARM College Master’s Degree.
A week designed to give prospective students a taste of life on our Campus.
Do you want to learn more about the admission process, certifications, and requirements for our bachelor’s degrees? Sign up for the University Orientation Weekend!
The cost is €180, which includes classroom activities, meals, and accommodation at our facilities.
This year’s events:
Asking enrolled students for information is a great way to get a sense of both academic and campus life.
Ask them for tips on academic challenges, exams, and classes!
Registrati a un Open Day online o in presenza per scoprire H-FARM College, l’offerta formativa, la metodologia, il campus e i servizi dedicati agli studenti
>> OPEN DAY LAUREE TRIENNALI (online) – 11 dicembre
>> OPEN DAY LAUREE MAGISTRALI (online) – 12 dicembre
Partecipa a una info session, raccogli informazioni sui contenuti extra-accademici, sui processi di ammissione, sui requisiti e sulle opportunità del career service!
Scegli una delle date a disposizione e prenota un posto:
Visita il campus, raccogli informazioni sui corsi, sui contenuti accademici ed extra-accademici, sui processi di ammissione, sui requisiti, sulle opportunità del career service ed esplora gli spazi!
Scegli una delle date a disposizione e prenota un posto
Hai individuato il corso che ti piace, hai raccolto le informazioni all’interno del sito, hai scaricato la brochure e hai partecipato all’Open Day, ma ti resta ancora qualche domanda?
Compila il form, il Team Admission ti ricontatterà per fissare un Q&A di mezz’ora per toglierti gli ultimi dubbi
Hai già parlato con il team Admission durante un evento o un appuntamento online e hai trovato il corso che fa al caso tuo, ma prima di decidere vuoi visitare le strutture del Campus e confrontarti con chi sta vivendo in prima persona i nostri corsi?
Vuoi capirne di più sui processi d’ammissione, sulle certificazioni, sui requisiti per accedere ai nostri corsi di laurea triennale? Iscriviti al Weekend di Orientamento!
Il costo del Weekend di Orientamento è di €150,00 comprensivi delle attività in aula, dei pasti e del pernottamento presso le nostre strutture.