BACHELOR’S DEGREE Digital Management


Digital transformation is rapidly changing the socio-economic landscape, profoundly redefining business models, and competitive contexts in which companies operate.

These changes have led to the emergence of new professional roles and positions within companies that didn’t exist a few years ago. Today, employers are seeking professionals who are updated and possess new skills.

It is the responsibility of universities and business schools to prepare students for this new market and impart these increasingly sought-after knowledge. That’s why Ca’ Foscari and H-FARM College have developed the Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Management.


Ca’Foscari University & H-FARM College


Laurea Triennale – Ca’Foscari University




120 for European students
+ 20 for non-European students


September 2024 (lessons from mid-September to mid-June)


H-FARM Campus – Roncade (TV)


€ 8,538.00, not including the regional fee for the right to study (amounting to 186.00 Euros) and any stamp duty of 16.00 Euros, with no distinction between Italian/EU and non-EU students.





Full-time, in person

hfarm college studentessa di digital management
of the students complete the program within the expected timeframe
of the students receive a job offer from the company where they did their internship
Average grade of graduating students.
Meetings with guest speakers, startuppers and CEO per year
Of the students who choose to work after graduation, finds employment within 6 months.

Why a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Management

The aim of this Bachelor’s Degree is to train dynamic and innovative individuals capable of rethinking and transforming professional and economic systems. Through this program, students will develop skills in crucial business areas such as digital marketing, economics and law, digital technologies, and strategy.
hfarm college studenti
Laura Nacci gives a talk to H-FARM students
Happy H-FARM students engage on a project and write on the board
hfarm college

You will find information about the requirements, selection process, and related timelines in the Admission Notice.

The admission notice will be published by Ca’Foscari in March 2024.

The Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Management has limited seats.

For the academic year 2024/2025, there are a total of 140 available seats, including 20 reserved for non-EU students residing abroad.
To access the Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Management, two selections are scheduled, one in spring and one in summer.

Selection Process

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Complete the application according to the requirements and deadlines in the Admission Notice:

  • Sit the TOLC-E, an exam on mathematics, logics and text comprehension, managed by CISIA . Exams taken after January 2023 will be accepted. Also SAT or GMAT exams are accepted as an alternative to TOLC-E.
  • Complete the registration on Ca Foscari website following the procedure outlined in the Admission Notice.
  • Upload your motivational video in English using the form in the Admission Notice.

Check your position in the ranking and, if you have been admitted, accept your place by by completing the pre-enrolment application and paying the fees.


To formally enroll, you will need to complete the enrollment application and pay the first installment of university fees and contributions.

*These first 3 steps can be completed in any order, as long as the deadline is respected.


During the enrollment procedure, it is mandatory to provide certified knowledge of the English language at level B2; otherwise, enrollment in the course will not be possible. The list of certifications and exemption cases considered valid for admission to the course is available at this link.

Each certification has particular characteristics, if you have doubts about which certification is most suitable for you, consult our Certification Guide.


European or non-European students with an international degree must apply for a preliminary evaluation of their academic qualification. For more information about the procedure and timeline, please email


If you are already enrolled in a course at Ca’ Foscari and wish to transfer to Digital Management, you can request an internal transfer.

The internal transfer procedure consists of the following steps open accordionClose
  • Request for credit recognition;
  • Possible request for clearance;
  • Submission of the transfer application.

Internal transfers can only be made to the following academic year, subject to the availability of seats and after obtaining clearance.

The available seats for enrollment in the subsequent academic year are announced every year in June on the following web page open accordionClose

For the transfer, a minimum of 48 credits in equivalent courses, with at least 30 credits in English (no more than 18 credits acquired in Italian language courses, as per course regulations), is required.
It is also possible to transfer to the Digital Management course from another university.

Recognition of Prior Learning

In order to enroll with credit recognition, make the internal transition or transfer from another university, you must ask for the evaluation of the exams already taken and the release of the credits recognition sheet.For admission to the year following the first, in addition, you have to be assigned a place: all the information is published in the final part of this page. Check the website for more information.

Tuition & Financing

Tuition Fees and Payment Methods

Financial Aid

If you have an economic condition (ISEE for facilitated study rights) below €30,000, you may qualify for benefits under the “Student Act.” If your ISEE is above €30,000, you will be required to pay the maximum amount specified for the course.

Tuition Fees

The registration and tuition fee for the Bachelor’s Degree for the academic year 2024/2025 is  8,538.00 Euros, not including the regional fee for the right to study (amounting to 186.00 Euros) and any stamp duty of 16.00 Euros, with no distinction between Italian/EU and non-EU students.


Students can access facilitated loans through collaborations with Intesa San Paolo and BNL to cover the tuition fees or other expenses. These loans offer advantageous economic conditions tailored to the student’s needs.
All details for applying for a loan are available at the following link.


Discover financial support and facilitations for academic programs at H-FARM College

Intesa Sanpaolo
“Per Merito” Financing
“Futuriamo” Financing

The Program

This Bachelor’s Degree aims to train a highly motivated group of students on the skills that companies seek to integrate into their processes and products today.

During the first year, the course focuses on building knowledge of business management principles. The second year, on the other hand, emphasizes technical and operational skills. The final year is dedicated to practical application through workshops and the curricular internship.

The Digital Management Curriculum



Introduction to Digital Management
Mathematics for Decision Sciences
Fundamentals of IT Law
Introduction to Coding and Data Management
Introduction to Economics
Probability and Statistics


Mandatory: Research Methods 1; Excel: Zero to Hero
Two courses of your choice among: Presentation Skills, Techniques & Tools; Business English; Public Speaking and Debating Skills; Introduction to AI



Organizing in a Digital World
Strategic and Digital Marketing
E-business, Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation
Planning and Management Control Systems
Business and Digital Law
Financing High Growth Firms
Lab of Human Centered Design – Elective
Digital Public Management and Social Innovation – Elective
Lab of Information Systems and Analytics
Data analytics – Elective


Mandatory: Ethics of AI; Generative AI
Two courses of your choice among: Growth Mindset; Machine Learning: Zero to Hero; Omnichannel: dealing with complex strategies; Strategic Finance: Planning and Raising Funds for Success



Economics of Innovation, Growth Theory and Economics Development
Lab of Software Project Development
Business Analytics
Lab of Web Technologies
Financial Statement Analysis
Lab of Computer Security


Mandatory: Leadership and Influencing
One course of your choice between: The Exponential Future – Next 10’000 days; Creation at lightspeed: Mastering the Art of Building PoCs and MVPs


This Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Management is designed to provide students with a unique and highly engaging learning experience. Alongside traditional interdisciplinary academic lectures, the program includes practical experiences, group work, and project-based learning.

Enhancing Courses

The Enhancing Courses are a series of extracurricular courses that complement the knowledge provided by their academic program with practical and widely applicable skills. Students will learn to understand their own skill profile, cultivate a personal learning agenda, and develop a set of knowledge and abilities useful for understanding the needs of companies.

Startup Mindset

We believe that the same skills and abilities essential for starting a startup, such as leadership, problem-solving, resilience, strategy, risk-taking, and continuous learning, are valuable in any career path.
Through a combination of theoretical and hands-on learning, students gain insights, methodology, and tools that can help them succeed as entrepreneurs and in any other profession.
Our study programs are ideal for those seeking to develop a versatile and comprehensive skillset.


Our faculty consists of experienced professionals with international backgrounds, some in academia, others as managers, entrepreneurs, or consultants. Our partners are leading entities in their respective fields, and our alumni are innovators in their workplaces.

To offer our students the best opportunities to connect with our community, we have created a unique 360-degree learning experience, where learning occurs through continuous interaction and knowledge exchange with guest speakers and prominent figures, through group projects, case studies, challenges, hackathons, events, networking moments, and inspirational talks.

Students of H-FARM's Media Agency, FARMedia
Two students of H-FARM participate in FutureShots 23
H-FARM students host the radio
Students brainstorm ideas at H-FARM
Profiles upon graduation
Experiential Term

Final Experiential Term
For the development of students’ knowledge and skills.

During the second semester of the third year, all students will have the opportunity to put into practice the skills learned during their course of study by choosing one of the following options:

Internship Project

An internship in a company or organization, in Italy or abroad, accompanied by an intensive one-week course on research and analysis methods in the business field


An opportunity to work closely with H-FARM consultants and develop their startup project

Job on Campus
At H-FARM College, students can seize various “LEARNING ON THE JOB” opportunities to increase their employability success and develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

There are numerous “JOB ON CAMPUS” positions available, opportunities to challenge themselves, develop useful skills, and earn income during their university years (examples of open positions: library supervisor, student tutor, operational assistant, etc.).
Students can also apply to join the LUMINA team, an agency organized like a real consulting firm, designed to allow students to experience typical consultancy activities. Within it, H-FARM College professionals and faculty act as mentors, supporting the development of young entrepreneurs’ mindset.
Finally, students may be selected to join the FARMEDIA team, a media agency that enables students to perform typical digital communication activities.

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