Career Development

H-FARM College Career Service promotes many activities to make students increase their employability and achieve their career goals in an increasingly complex, fast-changing and competitive job market.

Riccardo Donadon, Founder of H-FARM, addresses the crowd

Career Series

The Career Series are meetings promoted to allow H-FARM College Master’s Degree students to get in touch with some of the best companies operating in many industries.

They are presentations that take place in the classroom once a week during the academic year, during which the HR team presents the company, its values ​​and the most sought-after job positions. Events like these represent an opportunity for mutual knowledge and exchange of contacts.

Career Day H-FARM
An H-FARM student talks with a company representative on Career Day

Challenge and Powered Challenge

The Challenges provide a perfect opportunity for students to challenge themselves with real business cases and to put into practice the theoretical notions acquired in the classroom. Starting from a challenge presented by a company, students work in teams to develop an original and unique response to the challenge, which is then presented through a final pitch that usually takes place at the company headquarters. An internal company jury decides which project best responds to the challenge in question and rewards the winning team.

H-FARM students in Lumina Summer School
H-FARM student focuses on an inspirational talk

Inspirational Talk

The Inspirational Talks are speeches given by external guests – usually entrepreneurs, managers or startuppers – and revolve around various topics such as innovation, creativity, business and sustainable development.

They represent, for students, an opportunity to be inspired, enrich their knowledge and deal with guests and top experts who work in different sectors. In some cases, students can have lunch with guests by participating in the so-called “Lunch Connect”.

Discussion in Entrepreneurship & Startup Center at H-FARM
Students of H-FARM meet with company representatives at a breakfast connect

Open innovation projects

Depending on the needs and opportunities that emerge during discussions with companies, the Career Service also organizes Open Innovation projects (workshops, project works and “hands-on” activities) involving students.

H-FARM students engage in a conversation
H-FARM students have a conversation with company professionals
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