BEAT Academy graduation ceremony

The BEAT Academy graduation ceremony took place today at H-FARM College. An end that is, above all, a starting point and a springboard for the 24 participants’ careers.
BEAT Academy is a one-of-a-kind training programme developed and launched this year by H-FARM College together with a pool of companies to fill the skill gap and successfully respond to the challenges of the job market.
A 8-month programme that included 240 hours of frontal lessons in the marketing & finance field with a specific focus on how to use Salesforce and SAP. Guided by the scientific director Maria Laura Albini, the students were also able to put into practice their knowledge and skills thanks to practical exercises and two internships.
The Academy, aimed at young people with a few years of experience and recent graduates in economic disciplines, is placed in a truly fast-growing scenario. It is estimated, for example, that the Salesforce economy, powered by AI, will create a net gain of 11.6 million jobs and $2 trillion in business revenues between 2022 and 2028 (source).
“We are very proud of you, you embody the spirit of FARM and one characteristic in particular, being true pioneers” commented Antonello Barbaro, CEO and director general of H-FARM Education, congratulating the students on the milestone they just achieved.