Commencement 2024

Today marked a momentous occasion for the graduating class of 2024 at H-FARM College, as Digital Management students donned their caps and gowns to celebrate their hard-earned achievements during a heartfelt Commencement ceremony. Held at the Big Hall, the event was filled with joy and a special sense of accomplishment as students, faculty and families gathered to honor this significant milestone.
The ceremony started with an introduction by Antonella Sannella, Executive Director of H-FARM College, and Antonello Barbaro, CEO of H-FARM Education, who both highlighted the dedication and hard work of the graduating class. Maurizio Massaro, Program Coordinator, then took the stage and delivered his speech recalling the students’ academic journey, the many challenges they overcame, the knowledge they gained, and their personal growth throughout the educational path.
One of the day’s standout moments was the Inspirational Talk by Francesca Airoldi, Chief Business Officer at Condé Nast Italia. Francesca took the stage to share her journey as a wife, mom and boss, sharing some great advice on the mindset and skills needed to succeed with the graduating students.
The ceremony also featured the awarding of the best students, recognizing exceptional academic and extracurricular achievements. This year’s honorees were Gaia Leuzzi, Laura Nicoletto, and Luca Codato, who each received accolades for their outstanding performance.
We are sure that among the memories students will treasure forever there is Alumnus Lorenzo Pinto’s heartfelt speech. One of the standout pieces of advice he gave the young students is to always “embrace the art of naive optimism”, encouraging them to maintain a hopeful outlook as they embark on a new chapter of their lives.
The entire H-FARM College community congratulates the class of 2024 on their achievements!