EXPAND, challenge-based idea accelerator

As the EXPAND project is coming to an end in a few days, we want to recall the journey we have made together since the beginning of 2021.
We are very proud to have been among the partners of this Erasmus+ project whose aim is to create an idea accelerator programme for higher education students to help them immerse in the world of impact entrepreneurship tackling systemic problems in society.
Over these years, EXPAND partners across the world joined forces to co-create a programme that could complement students’ studies, allowing them to learn hands-on entrepreneurial skills, empathy and critical thinking.
Drawing upon the strength of decades of experience working with businesses and startups, we contributed to the creation of a toolbox to help Higher Education institution teaching staff with the development of challenge-based social innovation programmes.
The first pilot of the EXPAND Idea Accelerator has been focusing on addressing the challenge of homelessness. According to the last available global survey by the United Nations, about 100 million people worldwide were estimated to be homeless, with as many as 1.6 billion lacking adequate housing. Impact entrepreneurship can be a valuable help, bringing the best out of diversity, innovation and problem-solving potential.
In the toolbox, you will find all the information about the programme description and programme components, including how to define a social challenge. Moreover, you will discover detailed implementation guidelines and evaluation processes as well as relevant resources and materials for your course. An e-learning library, with exclusive videos from experts and teaching staff, is also available on demand.
Download the toolbox here.
More info about EXPAND here.