H-FARM College and Microsoft Italia: collaboration and co-design for the BSc in AI & Data Science

AI jobs are in the top 3 of the most requested positions in Italy. «Direct relationships with companies and high-quality teaching guarantee our students a highly valuable training course that allows them to enter a constantly evolving job market» explains Antonello Barbaro, CEO of H-FARM Education.
Microsoft Italia and H-FARM College joining forces to develop the new three-year degree in AI & Data Science through a collaboration whose aim is to prepare, launch and implement a Bachelor’s Degree in the S.T.E.M. field. (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). The three-year degree course will start in September 2024 and admissions application is now open. This is a path that H-FARM College has designed and now continues to refine together with Microsoft as part of its AI L.A.B initiative, which is its privileged technical partner, supporting it through highly specialized teaching. The choice to activate a three-year degree course in AI in English is linked to the growing centrality that this technology plays in relation to the available job positions.
In the US market alone, the increase on an annual scale is 450% (UPWork source), also demonstrated by the special LinkedIn ranking which calculates the number of “open” positions every year. AI skills come in second place in the Italian ranking, after those of commercial development workers and immediately before those required of those involved in cyber security. Data of great growth, also confirmed by the substantial doubling of investments in startups dealing with AI (source Pitchbook).
«Our goal is to give our graduates the opportunity to transform innovation into progress for a better society – explains Antonello Barbaro, CEO of H-FARM Education – We are happy and proud that a partner like Microsoft has chosen us to contribute to the AI training. We are even more so because in this way our future students, just as happens in all our courses, will be able to count on a direct connection with the best professionals in the sector, both in the classroom and in work experiences where they can experience what they have learned in the field. Given the demand for skills in the AI field, it is a path of truly great interest for those who are preparing to choose what to study after their high school diploma.”
«With H-FARM we have started a strategic path of collaboration as part of our AI L.A.B. program. aimed at spreading skills for the responsible use of generative AI. Through this course which combines technology, innovation and talent – explains Matteo Mille, Chief Marketing and Operations Officer of Microsoft Italy – we want to support young people who choose this course of study so that, through training and discussion with industry experts, they can use the technology in a creative way to support progress and a positive impact on society.”