Inspirational Talk with Alberto Bof

Inspirational Talk with Alberto Bof

It’s as if I have a hidden antenna that listens to the world’s every whisper, turning each one into the language of music.” 

Yesterday our campus had the privilege of hosting the incredibly talented Alberto Bof, an acclaimed pianist and composer. With his live performance, he took us on a unique musical journey filled with emotions. Our students Nicola and Sofia interviewed him on stage, uncovering stories, inspirations, and the secrets of an artist who can turn every note into pure magic. 🎶

It was a fantastic “learning beyond the classroom” experience: Nicola and Sofia embraced the opportunity to enhance their communication skills by taking charge of the event and leading an engaging conversation with Alberto.

We asked the students who interviewed him to share their thoughts on the experience:

The Lunch Connect and talk with Alberto Bof was an incredibly inspiring experience. His unique perspective and creative insights sparked thought-provoking conversations, while his live performance gave me chills. I was completely immersed in his music, leaving with a deep sense of inspiration and motivation to apply these learnings in my own journey.

— @Nicola Bernardi

Listening to Alberto Bof’s story was truly inspiring — not only because he is a brilliant pianist and composer, but because of the depth of his character and passion for life. His live performance was thrilling; it wasn’t just about hearing the melodies, but truly feeling them.

— @Sofia Santarossa

Thank you, Alberto, for sharing your passion and talent with us. 🫰

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