Master’s Degree Graduation Ceremony

A very special day for the class of 2023 of the Master’s Degrees in Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing & Data Analytics.
The graduation ceremony took place today in the “Big Hall” conference room, with families and friends reunited.
After the institutional greetings by Matthew Cooper, Dean of Faculty, Professor Massimiliano Fusari, coordinator of the Masters, led the event, immediately inviting Mirko Lalli, Founder & CEO at The Data Appeal Company, on stage.
Addressing the students, Mirko recalled the story of his company, born right on H-FARM Campus. In January 2014, Mirko founded “Travel Appeal”, a startup launched to support the tourism sector in managing the vast information network and the new demands and needs of the market, transforming the available data into a precious tool for business success. In his speech, while highlighting the potential of big data and new technologies, Mirko gave also some advice to all young entrepreneurs who want to give life to their startup:
- Don’t be in love with your idea
- It’s better not to start alone
- It’s crucial to be in time
- MvP or pre-totype
- Beware of the first big round
- Team: they are not your friend
Then, a student and an Alumna of the Masters, Gioia and Arianna, spoke to the audience and the graduates in the room, giving precious pieces of advice, good wishes and anecdotes like true FARMERS.
Congratulations guys!