Che Sarà – Achille Lauro nelle Scuole

The first edition of the initiative combining creativity and technology has officially ended.
The first edition of 'Achille Lauro in the Schools', the innovative and ambitious project developed together with Achille Lauro with the support of Amazon and, to stimulate young people to become protagonists of the future that awaits them, using creative and innovative languages to tell their stories, ended with an exclusive event in Milan.
The project, which started last December, made stops at some of the main schools in Milan and Rome and then extended virtually across the country to the United Nations, in front of a vast audience of international students.
During the closing event Achille Lauro awarded the authors of the five best 'Letters to the Future', also offering a wonderful live performance to them and the guests who took part in the initiative. The five winners received a prize offered by Amazon: a set of technological products to support them in their future education and studies, and other technological products worth a total of 50,000 euro, divided among their home schools.
Working on this project was a wonderful experience for us. It allowed us to stimulate the youngsters with an exceptional testimonial and high-level partners, to get closer to them and to get to know even more closely a generation growing up with the advantage of having many opportunities for their future ahead of them and, at the same time, the fragility of not feeling ready to seize them and put them on the ground. The format brought to the schools was also an opportunity to combine contemporary educational themes with the languages of digital entertainment that are characteristic for our Campus in an innovative way.
The winners are:
- Taufge Songne, from the institute – IIS "Giacomo Perlasca" of Idro-Vobarno (BS);
- Paolo Libro, from the institute – IIS 'Verona-Trento' of Messina;
- Sofia Belfiore, from the Liceo Statale "Galileo Galilei" in Dolo (VE);
- Sofia Trevisol, from the Liceo Statale 'Galileo Galilei' of San Donà di Piave (VE);
- Stefano Gabriele, from the institute – IIS Frammartino' institute of Fonte Nuova (RM).
Congratulations to all!