Campus: two architecture awards for Zanon Architetti Associati

The studio was awarded for two projects: our new Campus and the area that hosts some of our post-graduate courses.
All the spaces of our headquarters in Ca' Tron, including the new Campus, were designed by Zanon Architetti Associati, which oversaw and coordinated the project while respecting the surrounding environment.
The architectural practice's work engages in all design fields, from architecture to urban planning, from interior staging to product design, with a sensitive approach to architectural restoration and recovery of existing heritage.
Grazie al progetto del nostro nuovo Campus, Zanon Architetti Associati ha vinto il premio Architetto Italiano assegnato dal Consiglio nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori, quest'anno interamente dedicato al tema della scuola.
Thanks to the design of our new Campus, Zanon Architetti Associati won the Italian Architect award assigned by the National Council of Landscape Architects, Designers, Landscape Architects and Conservators, this year entirely dedicated to the theme of school.
It also won the Willis Towers Watson award, assigned by the National Institute of Architecture IN/ARCH and ANCE in collaboration with Archilovers for the complex that hosts some of our post-graduate students.