CELI, 2021 report on conversational assistants in Italy

Our AI company analysed the use and perception of smart speakers, smartphone assistants, and chatbots.
In 2019 CELI, our company specialised in artificial intelligence and natural language processing, published the first Italian research on the relationship of people with smart speakers, in collaboration with KKienn.
At the beginning of 2021, a new report investigates whether the use and perception of smart speakers, virtual assistants on smartphones, and chatbots have changed.
The survey, carried out again with KKienn, involved a representative sample of the Italian population between 18 and 74 years old. For each type of conversational assistant, we have analysed the number and profile of users, frequency of use, purpose and method of use, and the satisfaction level.
On 31 March we will host a webinar to present the results of the report: register here.