CELI supports Save The Children to cut school dropout rates

Our society specialized in AI has collaborated with Save The Children amd Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli to fight school dropout.
Fuoriclasse in Movimento is a project created by Save The Children in 2017 to fight against early school dropout in Italy and guarantee the right to a high-quality education for all students.
This project takes place in the three-year period 2017-2020 and involves about 20.000 students from 170 primary and secondary schools. Teachers and students have worked together to identify practical solutions regarding school areas, teaching methods, relationships with peers and adults, collaboration with local territories.
CELI, our society specialized in data science and natural language
processing, has contributed in 2018 and 2019 by carrying out the analysis and classification of the answers given by professors. CELI used Sophia Analytics, its information extraction proprietary platform. By using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques, the textual and statistical analysis of the answers highlighted the main thematic axes and the correlations between the topics in the questionnaires.