Our next events in February

Our next events in February

Discover the many events that we have planned, from Milan to Turin to Ca' Tron to Bassano del Grappa.

Feb 13 Verona – open day H-International School
Discover our international and digital school for students 3-18: the only IB-certified school in Italy that is both an Apple Distinguished and a boarding school.

Feb 15 Ca' Tron – open day BigRock School
Discover our upcoming courses in computer graphics, concept art and virtual reality and the career opportunities in the largest animation studios worldwide.

Feb 19 Milan – Unconscious Biases: let's face them
A workshop with SheTech Italy and Claudio Guffanti, expert in diversity and inclusion, to reduce stereotypes and biases in the workplace.

Feb 20 Ca' Tron – open day Master in Entrepreneurship & Applied Technologies
The 8th best Master's program in the USA comes to Europe for the first time: study both in Italy and the States and get an American degree, with the University of South Florida.

Feb 20 Ca' Tron – presentation of Nicolò Andreula's book
"Flow Generation" is an original and uplifting guidebook for our fast-paced economic reality.

Feb 27 Milan – Change to growth
A meeting with Adobe and Akeneo to explore the opportunities offered by Magento Commerce and Akeneo for the growth of your eCommerce.

Feb 27 Bassano del Grappa – School of Tomorrow: Museum Revolution
A discussion on museums, technology and young generations. Special guest: Philippe Daverio.

Also, our AI company CELI will take part in:
13/02 Bergamo – Now! #6 organized by Digital Innovation Hub Bergamo and Confindustria Bergamo
13/02 Torino – Is Natural Language Processing the Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence? organized by Politecnico di Torino
14/02 Torino – Tech Heroes Voice Assistant organized by Synesthesia within the Torino Digital Days
15/02 Pisa – Giornata Galileiana. Dalla Acustica musicale alle Interfacce vocali organized by Università di Pisa
22/02 Milan – Intelligenza artificiale e quotidianità: vivere pienamente con nuovi equilibri organized by Fondazione Gaetano e Mafalda Luce

We have many other events coming in March: sign up for our newsletter to keep updated.