Our next Certificate courses

Blockchain, storytelling, law&IT, digital marketing: acquire new competences and skills for your career.
The Certificates are our short courses for university students, young professionals and entrepreneurs who want to acquire or strengthen the most required skills for today's market. The lessons will be taught by international experts and will combine theory and practical workshops.
At the end you will receive an Open Badge, a digital badge with embedded metadata about skills and achievements, created by Mozilla and globally recognized.
– Blockchain for Managers (September 12-14, 2019) with Roberto Mancone, expert in digital transformation, fintech and exponential technologies.
Learn how to use blockchain to create new business models for companies and public administration.
– Storytelling & Executive Communication (October 2-4, 2019) with Nicolò Andreula, expert in marketing, strategy and leadership.
Customer experience, corporate communication, psychology of consumers, community management: which experiences are changing the rules of marketing? Which actions lead to successful campaigns?
– Law & Information Technology (October 28-20, 2019) with Giovanna Massarotto, expert in antitrust law, market regulation and intellectual property law.
A course for those who work in the legal sector and want to analyze what is at the basis of law in information technology.
– Digital Marketing & Experience Design (November 26-28, 2019) with Nicolò Andreula, expert in marketing, strategy and leadership.
When traditional marketing strategies no longer work, to build a successful brand you must redesign your products, experience and brand communication.
The courses will be held in our campus in Ca’ Tron (TV).
For more information: certificates.edu@h-farm.com