maize.MAGAZINE no.10: Beautiful Losers

The new edition of our triannual magazine is dedicated to failure.
There are infinite ways to fail, and just as many to deal with it. But what is failure, really? And how can we excel at it?
The 10th issue of maize.MAGAZINE – our publication that explores the complexities of innovation, both online and in paper form – is a celebration of losers, because they can be more likable (and more successful) than winners.
Buy it here.
In its pages, you will find a long conversation with cultural historian Scott Sandage; the story of FC St.Pauli, a soccer team which never won a thing but is still very successful; an Italian cyclist who built an entire career on finishing last; and a reflection over failure in business by American serial entrepreneur Howard Tullman.
It's also avaialbles at these bookstores.