Alira Health offers a free place for our executive MAMIL program

A vision of the future of Healthcare &Lifesciences and education: Alira supports our executive master MAMIL
Alira Health, a global consulting firm specialized in healthcare & lifesciences, has decided to offer a free place for MAMIL, our executive Master in Healthcare & Lifesciences with Page Group.
The program will start in January 2021 at H-FARM Milan.
Page Group, a leader among the scouting and selection of specialized middle and top management personnel, will manage the Career Service, guiding the students’ career with dedicated meetings.
To apply for this opportunity please send your application (in English) to
Each application must contain the applicant's CV and their written responses to the following questions:
- Question 1: Tell us your personal story (less than 1000 words)
- Question 2: Why would you like to apply for MAMIL?
- Question 3: Where do you see yourself in three years from now and how would this Master help you to achieve "the future self" that you envision?
Only applications submitted in English by December 1, 2020, will be considered.
The application will be evaluated by a committee composed of members of Alira Health, H-FARM, and Page Group. The results of the selection will be announced by December 15.