Graduation Day Executive Master

The Master Executive Graduation Day ceremony was held today in the “Big Hall” conference room with the awarding of diplomas to students who have completed their studies.
“Always be yourself, try to work outside your comfort-zone.”
The Master Executive Graduation Day ceremony was held today in the “Big Hall” conference room with the awarding of diplomas to students who have completed their studies.
Omni eCommerce, FinTech, Management and Innovation of Lifesciences and Digital Entrepreneurship: these are the fields of the educational paths aimed at professionals, designed in partnership with leading companies and top experts to meet the real needs of the labor market.
There welcome greetings by Paolo Collini, Head of Academic Programs, were followed by an inspirational Talk by Paolo Accastello, Plant General Manager Stellantis Group, entitled “Intrapreneurship, Courage and the Ability to Discover New Paths.”
Addressing the more than 50 graduating students, Accastello recounted the highlights of his career and gave some advice, focusing in particular on the concept of “authoritative leadership.”
Afterwards, Master’s scientific directors Patrizia Bussoli, Michela Barcella, Federico Barbieri and Nicolò Andreula took part in a panel moderated by Marco De Rossi, Head of Marketing and Admission, a discussion on the importance of continuing education in a world that changes at the speed of light.
The ceremony culminated with the awarding of diplomas, in a festive mood filled with pride for the goals achieved.
Congratulations to all new H-FARM College Alumni!