Chronic myeloid leukemia: online hackathon with Novartis

Applications open until 17 Dec, 2020 to identify innovative solutions for doctors, patients and caregiver. A €4,000 prize is up for grabs.
Technological innovation is revolutionising our lives and the way we face and manage all kinds of situations, including illness. For this reason Novartis, leader in hematology and in the treatment of CML (chronic myeloid leukemia), together with Elma Research, has decided to address the unmet needs of patients through innovative solutions.
After interviewing clinicians and patients and holding co-design workshops, we have defined the challenges of the online hackathon CML Innovation Hub, that will take place on 25-26 November.
Participants will test themselves to identify innovative solutions that respond to the real and relevant needs of patients, caregivers, doctors, researchers and associations.
Challenge 1: information space for patients
Creating an authoritative tool with in-depth, complete and updated information on the pathology.
Challenge 2: connections among healthcare professionals
Strengthening the connections between centers, specialist doctors and general practitioners.
Challenge 3: online management of illness
Adopting additional tools to facilitate medical work and help the patients to manage their condition remotely.