Hackathon with Novartis: the winners

More than 100 participants attended the 2-day online hackathon dedicated to innovative solutions for patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.
With Novartis, leader in hematology and in the treatment of CML (chronic myeloid leukemia), and Elma Research we organized CML Innovation Hub, an online hackathon to address the unmet need of patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, caregivers, doctors, researchers and associations.
More than 100 people (clinicians, haematologists, university students, young professionals) took part in the 3 challenges: information space for patients, connections among healthcare professionals, and online management of the illness.
The challenges had been defined through interviews with clinicians and patients and a co-design workshop.
Winners are:
- CML Percorso di Vita, a project that combines online and offline tools to guide patients throughout their entire lives: for example, digital infographics and/or paper brochures with the most relevant information, the opening of an Instagram account with tips on the correct lifestyle, solutions to increase teraphy compliance and community discussions, the creation of a self-monitoring diary.
- Claude, a shared calendar that supports physician and patient remotely: a "private" means of communication that does not require to be integrated with hospital systems, in which doctors can classify patients according to profiles based on their specific needs and automate some of the bureaucratic aspects.