Specialisterne: neurodiversity is a resource for work

We have hired new employees thanks to the collaboration with the consultancy company that trains and employs people with autism and Asperger's Syndrome.
Born in Denmark in 2004 and active in 21 Countries, Specialisterne is a socially innovative company where the majority of employees have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. It has operated in Italy since 2017.
On the occasion of the World Autism Awareness Day (April 2), the company celebrates its 32nd employee being hired by an Italian company and 10 new students starting their training programs.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects 1% of people. Although many people with autism are talented professionals or can become so, today 85% of them are not actively employed. Attention to detail, strong logical and analytical skills, an above-average ability to concentrate for long periods of time, diligence and zero-fault tolerance are just some of the skills that companies can benefit from.
The Specialisterne experience shows that it's possible to create the ideal conditions for these talents to thrive in companies. After a selection phase, candidates take part in a free and qualified program that trains them to become IT or administrative consultants. When they are hired, the company is also trained on neurodiversity issues and works with a Specialisterne coach that supports the optimal performance of the consultant and their relationship with the other colleagues. Companies like Cisco and Everis have also welcomed new employees from Specialisterne.