We are a partner of the Startup.Euregio European project

The goal is the development of an ecosystem for startups in the European region of Tyrol – South Tyrol – Trentino.
STARAC – Project ITAT1092
Financed by the European Regional Development Fund and Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020
Support EU funds – ERDF: 562.576,68 €/ National Support 59.915,85 € / total project budget 744.531,15 €
Project partners: Standortagentur Tirol GmbH, South Tyrol IDM Suedtirol, NOI Spa, Trentino Sviluppo Spa single member.
Project duration: 1 January 2020 – 31 October 2022
For several years now, efforts have been made at regional and supra-regional level in Europe to create a startup ecosystem. The Startup.Euregio project, of which we are a partner, aims to train capable entrepreneurs, improve access to capital and promote the internationalisation of the startup network.
This is why the territories of Tyrol, South Tyrol, Trentino and Treviso have joined forces to integrate their resources, further develop an interregional start-up network and support at least 100 entrepreneurial projects and more than a hundred cooperations. The aim of the project is to offer coaching/mentoring to teams that have already reached maturity and to accelerate the path to success of newly formed companies.