Parole O_Stili and H-FARM College students co-write the “Manifesto per e con l’AI”

Parole O_Stili and H-FARM College students co-write the “Manifesto per e con l’AI”

Words can move, unite, and warm the heart. But they can also hurt, offend, and create distance. On the internet, aggression often dominates tweets, posts, statuses, and stories. While social media are virtual spaces, the people who interact there are real, and so are the consequences. That’s why, especially online, we must be mindful of how we use words.

This principle is at the core of Parole O_Stili’s mission — an association that encourages daily reflection on how we communicate online. Our paths have recently crossed for an extraordinary collaboration and opportunity: a group of H-FARM College students contributed to drafting the “Manifesto della comunicazione non ostile per e con l’Intelligenza Artificiale” — an essential tool designed to help people interact and work with AI.

The workshop 

As part of this collaboration, we had the pleasure of welcoming to campus Rosy Russo, Founder and President of Parole O_Stili; Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Full Professor at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo and an expert in communication and digital media sociology; Tiziana Montalbano, Head of Communications at Parole O_Stili; and Barbara Laura Alaimo, educator and trainer at Parole O_Stili. During their visit, they shared with our students the incredible story and vision behind the initiative.

It all began in Trieste in 2017 when around 300 corporate and political communication professionals, influencers, and bloggers came together with a common goal: transforming the internet into a space for constructive dialogue. This vision quickly evolved, welcoming contributions from teachers, students, entrepreneurs, and professionals from various sectors. At the heart of this initiative lies the “Manifesto della comunicazione non ostile”— not just a document, but a set of ten fundamental principles aimed at improving online behavior and fostering a shared commitment to making the internet a more inclusive and safe space for all.

During the meeting, the speakers highlighted how the success of this initiative has led to the creation of multiple adapted versions of the Manifesto, tailored to different sectors—from politics to public administration, business, childhood education, sports, science, and inclusion. They also shared the impact of Parole O_Stili’s vast network of partnerships, built over time with major Italian and international companies. Through its work with schools, universities, businesses, associations, and national and local institutions, the association continuously promotes positive communication practices and raises awareness of individual responsibility in the digital space.

The AI Manifesto – A timely tool for the future

In an era where the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence is redefining communication paradigms, H-FARM College students embraced an ambitious challenge: contributing to the development of the Manifesto’s eighth edition.

What makes this new Manifesto unique is its innovative approach: it wasn’t just written about AI as a subject of study, but was developed with AI as a co-creator. This dual perspective marks a fundamental shift, recognizing AI not just as a tool but as an interlocutor with which we must establish a constructive and sustainable dialogue.

Guided by Parole O_Stili experts, our students worked to create a resource that will help people develop and maintain balanced relationships with AI, in a true co-creation process that reflects the collaborative future we are shaping.

The “Manifesto della comunicazione non ostile per e con l’Intelligenza Artificiale” — an initiative by Parole O_Stili in collaboration with H-FARM College and the University of Urbino Carlo Bo — was officially presented on February 22 in Trieste, during the Festival della Comunicazione Non Ostile. It was amazing to see our work shared on such a prestigious stage and to tell the experience live on Rai Radio Uno’s Eta Beta program through the voice of our student Elena! 📻

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