Open Class @H-FARM College
A special opportunity to experience a day as a student on our campus and discover firsthand the energy and innovation that make our College unique.
From a warm welcome at the Welcome Centre with one of our Student Ambassadors to immersing yourself in classes and activities alongside our students, these days offer the chance to explore and experience H-FARM College’s Curricular and Enhancing Courses firsthand.
You’ll also have the opportunity to meet our Admissions team, get answers to all your questions, learn about our programs and opportunities, and preview an academic experience filled with inspiration, connections, and discovery.

Choose the Best Day based on your interests
Each day offers a variety of courses to explore, allowing you to attend real university classes and get a taste of the experience our students live every day.
Meet your buddy, a student who will be your guide, explore the campus, and enjoy lunch or a coffee in our social spaces.
Join the classes that interest you most and discover the dynamic atmosphere that makes our College unique.
Meet the Admissions Team
Our Admissions team will be available to help with any questions you may have.
We’re here to provide all the information you need to make informed decisions about your future.
Register now and secure your spot. Don’t miss this opportunity to experience firsthand if H-FARM College is the right choice for you!

Tuesday April 1
9:30 – 18:30
Digital Arts | Photorealistic Rendering
10:00 – 16:00
Digital Transformation of Business
10:00 – 16:00
Organization & People Management in Multicultural Environments
12:00 – 16:00
Management Principles
14:30 – 18:00
Digital Marketing & Experience Design
16:30 – 18:00
Global Operations & Supply Chain
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Wednesday April 2
9:30 – 18:30
Digital Arts | Photorealistic Rendering
10:00 – 13:30
International Strategic Management
10:00 – 13:30
International Marketing
14:00 – 17:15
Algorithms and Data Structures
14:30 – 18:00
Principles of Marketing
14:30 – 18:00
ENHANCING | Third Sector Storytelling
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Thursday April 3
9:30 – 18:00
Digital Arts | Photorealistic Rendering
10:00 – 13:30
Design Thinking
10:30 – 13:45
Global Operations & Supply Chain
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Tuesday April 8
12:00 – 16:00
Management Principles
12:00 – 16:00
Digital Transformation of Business
10:00 – 16:00
Organization & People Management in Multicultural Environments
16:30 – 18:00
Global Operations & Supply Chain
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Wednesday April 9
9:30 – 18:30
Digital Arts | Animation Rendering
10:00 – 13:30
International Marketing
14:00 – 17:15
Algorithms and Data Structures
14:30 18:00
Principles of Marketing
14:30 18:00
ENHANCING | Third Sector Storytelling
Global Operations & Supply Chain
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Thursday April 10
9:30 – 13:30
Digital Arts | Animation Rendering
10:00 – 11:30
Linear Algebra
10:00 – 13:30
Global Operations & Supply Chain
12.00 – 13.30
Welcome and Campus Tour
Participants will arrive at the Welcome Centre, where they will be greeted by one of our Student Ambassadors.
Classes and Activities
Participants will attend classes with the Ambassador throughout the day, including lunch, and will have the opportunity to take part in both curricular and extracurricular lessons.
Meeting with the Admissions Team
During the day, there will be a dedicated moment to meet our team and ask specific questions about admissions and the program.
Our College:

Didn’t find the right day?
Discover all the ways to connect with us. Whether you’re considering your future university path or are already a graduate looking to continue your studies, we want to provide you with every option to reach out and gather information about our courses.
17, 18 novembre 2023: in H-FARM Campus
22 novembre 2023: online
In uno scenario di business sempre più competitivo, la capacità creativa diventa una caratteristica distintiva. Non è sufficiente
essere efficienti nel risolvere i problemi: il successo è sempre più legato alla capacità di innovare i propri prodotti e i servizi e di migliorare costantemente i processi e i metodi di lavoro. Come si sviluppa quindi la creatività? Il corso offrire ai partecipanti dieci tecniche fondamentali per lo sviluppo della creatività dando particolare attenzione anche al ruolo delle relazioni interpersonali, fondamentali in questo processo.
Il corso affronta tematiche come: le leve motivazionali che muovono e coinvolgono i collaboratori, l’adozione di stili di leadership differenti in base alle diverse situazioni, la gestione di ansie sociali che si manifestano con l’introduzione di innovazioni.
15, 16 dicembre 2023: in H-FARM Campus
12 dicembre 2023: online
Questo corso analizza cos’è l’intelligenza artificiale, cosa significa per un business e come sfruttarla al meglio. Il programma include l’analisi di esempi pratici e delle tecnologie chiave che supportano lo sviluppo dell’intelligenza artificiale: il machine learning, il natural language processing e la robotica.
Il corso analizza inoltre le implicazioni di queste nuove tecnologie e come stiano diventando sempre più fondamentali per le mansioni ripetitive aumentando le capacita’ umane nella risoluzione di problematiche al momento non affrontabili e considerate non risolvibili. Infine il corso si conclude con lo studio dell’AI Canvas attraverso il quale i partecipanti saranno in grado di tradurre una problematica reale in un progetto AI.
26, 27 gennaio 2024: in H-FARM Campus
31 gennaio 2024: online
Tenuto da docenti provenienti direttamente da Google, questo corso offre modelli semplici ed efficaci per creare un business plan da presentare a potenziali investitori e finanziatori.
Il corso analizza i più importanti trend nel mondo digitale e offre gli strumenti per comprendere e anticipare quelli futuri. I partecipanti apprenderanno come funzionano i business model di realtà emergenti e consolidate e impareranno a definire e modellare nuove idee di business.