Future scenarios: how to be ahead of the curve in times of change Leggi di più
20 February 2024
Uncertainty is the only certainty…When we think about the future. The latest news of IPCC-The Interg...
Here where learning is a green journey Leggi di più
15 February 2024
“When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.” (Buddh...
Navigating the journey from student life to adult life Leggi di più
13 February 2024
College is one of the first and most excruciating crossroads in student life. Transitioning from sch...
Future-oriented university education Leggi di più
8 February 2024
A few days ago, while I was looking at the latest data released by the Ministry of University and R...
Welcome to the age of AI Leggi di più
5 February 2024
In a world where data is the new currency and cybersecurity is the shield that protects it, H-FARM C...
Tech age leadership starts with mindset Leggi di più
1 February 2024
Play your best CARD to be the talent of the future. In today’s fast-paced technological landsc...
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