Alumni Club

H-FARM alumna in class

Through the Alumni Club, we aim to share and gather the wealth of experiences and professionalism of our Alumni, as well as create opportunities for sharing, entrepreneurship, and innovation

The “H” in H-FARM stands for “HUMAN,” emphasizing the great attention we place on the individual and the need to carry out initiatives where humans are at the center. Simplicity, curiosity, ethical sense, ambition, enthusiasm—these are the values underlying H-FARM and the Alumni Club.

Being a part of the H-FARM Alumni Club means connecting with a community of people who share values and identity. Through this club, H-FARM aims to create opportunities for meeting and discussion, encouraging the exchange of experiences to foster collaboration and the connections already established during the study period at the campus.

H-FARM alumna participates in class
Happy H-FARM alumnus
Aperitivo in Amor for H-FARM alumni
Focused H-FARM alumnus
Who is part of the Club?

All the students who have obtained a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from H-FARM College are members of the Alumni Club.

By joining the Alumni Club you will have access to the following services:
Job placement open accordion

The job placement service provided by H-FARM’s Career Service serves as a reference point for companies, students, and alumni to share and promote job and internship opportunities.

H-FARM has a wide network of partner companies primarily involved in innovation and digital transformation.

On one hand, companies turn to H-FARM to find specialized profiles with knowledge in the most innovative areas of their sectors. On the other hand, students and alumni have access to the extensive network of partner companies, which can offer them relevant opportunities related to their field of study.

Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and top managers from international companies regularly visit the campus, and the Career Service works daily to expand and strengthen the network of contacts, facilitating direct connections between students, alumni, and companies.

By joining the H-FARM Alumni Club, you will have access to the job placement service, where you can not only view job offers but also share any job openings with the network of students and alumni.

Contact the Career Service to share a job opening or receive more information about the job placement service!

Lifelong learning open accordion

Continuous updating and training are essential not only to be competitive in the job market but also to effectively embrace and leverage societal innovations and changes.

Members of the H-FARM Alumni Club can access H-FARM courses at discounted rates, up to 10% off. From postgraduate programs and executive masters to short certificates and reskilling programs, the extensive range of educational offerings ensures that alumni can delve into various topics and be prepared to face innovations and changes with competence and professionalism.

Postgraduate programs, executive masters, and short courses—find the formula that suits you best.

Networking and events open accordion

Members of the H-FARM Alumni Club are part of a community of talents and innovators who want to stay connected, collaborate, share best practices, and create opportunities.

Networking opportunities are crucial for professional and personal growth.

For this reason, alumni are invited to participate in H-FARM’s dedicated events. From lectures with Italian and international entrepreneurs, managers, and professors to hackathons, exclusive events like Maize Live, and innovation-focused events like FutureShots.

By joining the Alumni Club, you will have access to events generally not open to the public, with discounted ticket prices or priority booking.

Moreover, alumni can rent campus spaces for events dedicated to their own company or the organization they work for, enjoying a discount on the official rates.

Do you want to organize an event or a simple meet-up among alumni?
As members of the club, alumni can suggest and/or organize their own events. Contact us, and we will be happy to help you share the opportunity with all club members!

Alumni Day open accordion

Every year, members of the H-FARM Alumni Club are invited to participate in Alumni Day, a dedicated day at the H-FARM campus. Alumni Day is a unique opportunity not only to meet former classmates but also to get to know new ones and expand your network.

The event takes place at H-Campus and includes lectures, workshops, seminars, and activities to facilitate networking and the exchange of ideas. The day concludes with a reception to celebrate together and set a date for the following year.

Conferences and events at favorable conditions

Alumni stories

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