Paolo Falcarin

Paolo is associate professor of Computer Science at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, where he teaches Software Security (MSc), Software Development Methodologies (MSc), Project Management (BSc), and Autonomous Distributed and Pervasive Systems (PhD course).
Before he led the Secure Software Engineering research group at UEL, and his research interests include Software Protection and Security, Software Engineering, and Systems Modelling.
Paolo has been Principal Investigator for UEL in the European FP7 project ASPIRE (Advanced Software Protection: Integration Research and Exploitation) jointly with six companies and universities from across Europe.
Paolo got the Italian certification as full professor in computer engineering (“Abilitazione Nazionale Professore Ordinario di ingegneria informatica ING-INF/05”).
He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, CSSLP certified, Oracle Java Certified, and an amateur chess player