When the unthinkable becomes the goal: Pierluigi Fasano, Scientific Director of the Executive Master’s in Digital Operational Excellence and Chief Learning Architect at H-FARM College, guides us on a journey to discover some of the most important future trends in the Space Economy, Longevity Economy, and Quantum World.

The world is changing at an unprecedented speed.
In this series of interviews, experts from H-FARM College and industry voices share reflections and questions to interpret what is most significant happening in key sectors of our economy, analyzing current scenarios and outlining possible future trajectories: from the Space Economy to Operations Management, from the evolving language increasingly dominated by Artificial Intelligence to the complex challenges in e-commerce and HR.

Will the future speak only e-commerce? Eduardo Barbaro, Scientific Director of the Executive Master’s in Digital Commerce at H-FARM College and Worldwide Omnichannel Senior Director at Bulgari, and Guido Lucarelli, Scientific Director of the Executive Master’s in Digital Commerce at H-FARM College and Founder & CEO of B2X, analyze challenges and opportunities for B2C companies in a digitally transformed world.

In recent years, many events have changed habits, business models, and production processes. Alessandro Petrillo, Scientific Director of the Executive Master’s in Digital Operational Excellence at H-FARM College and Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Key Value, provides some insights to understand the present and imagine the future of Operations.

Attracting and retaining the best talents is one of the main challenges for companies today, regardless of their sector. Gaia Costantino, lecturer at the Executive Master’s in Digital Entrepreneurship at H-FARM College, discusses this topic.

What does it mean to create and consume content in the era of “Mixed Truth”? What language will the future speak? What revolution will audiences, institutions, and brands have to face to communicate in a context completely disrupted by artificial intelligences, metahumans, and deep fakes? Davide Bartolucci, Founder & CEO of SHADO, answers these and other questions.

Six questions in one minute to depict the changing world of work. The protagonists of recruitment and talent attraction from some major organizations that frequent the H-FARM Campus provide the answers.