AI in Education

For the academic year 2024/25, H-FARM College is focusing on artificial intelligence by adding two “tech” courses to the economic study courses, the three-year degrees in “AI & Data Science” and “Technology Management with Cybersecurity”. The goal is to provide a coherent response to the growing demand for expert profiles in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data management and digitalisation, with transversal skills and solid economic foundations.
Generative artificial intelligence, machine learning and the ethical challenges linked to the use of these new technologies are also the central topics of some of the over 20 enhancing courses, extracurricular courses that enrich and complete the students’ study plan, allowing them to develop skills that are among the most requested by the job market and guarantee them approximately 60 hours of vertical training on the most cutting-edge topics.
But at H-FARM College, artificial intelligence is not only the subject of specific study courses, but an integral part of the teaching and learning method: for example, as part of the “Mathematics for Business” course, Professor Nicola Mazzari has “ challenged” students to solve some exercises contained in a report…And to do so using ChatGPT 3.5. He also asked students who could use ChatGPT 4 to refute the different functioning of the two artificial intelligence engines in solving mathematical questions.
This was not an unusual request to shorten resolution times, but rather a way to learn to interact with the chatbot in a complex way. The formulation of the questions required a complex interaction, as well as specific mathematical skills to be able to understand and verify the results obtained by comparing them with what was reported by authoritative sources. “Solving the problems posed with ChatGPT presupposed not only knowledge of the mathematical rules underlying the question – explains Professor Mazzari – but also the functioning of the bot and its basic logic”.
Artificial intelligence is also at the center of many of the training programs for entrepreneurs, managers and executives that the H-FARM Business School dedicates to professionals who need to increase their skills in the sector. From the use of AI to optimize work processes to the creation of functional prompts for different company functions, up to the new frontiers of the use of AI.