Renewing our collaboration with Bormioli Pharma

Co-design, immersive experiences, and digital events for the company specialised in pharmaceutical packaging.
We have started collaborating with Bormioli Pharma before the Covid-19 crisis and before the importance of pharmaceutical packaging became so evident. Our goal has been to design innovative packaging solutions that address the needs of patients, doctors, pharmacists, and healthcare workers.
This year, we are exploring new scenarios. We conducted qualitative research to examine how people with upper limbs disabilities, sleep disorders, or anxiety interact with pharmaceutical packaging.
We held a co-design workshop with several Bormioli Pharma's teams and other stakeholders to launch Fast Factory, our rapid design and prototyping program that aims to develop, test, and validate innovative solutions.
In 2020 we also organised a fully digital fair, “envision”. More than 800 people from 100 countries participated in an immersive virtual & augmented reality experience to learn about the new Bormioli Pharma products.