Choosing a university is the first step
towards a future full of opportunities H-FARM

College’s Orientation School aims to guide future university students in making informed decisions through interactions with prestigious university professors and researchers from all over Italy, as well as digital professionals from H-FARM.

Why participating:

The society of tomorrow seen through the lenses of economics and social sciences

Morning sessions of inspirational debates provide an innovative perspective and numerous opportunities to discuss current issues that impact the future of society. Afternoon activities include MasterLab sessions led by H-FARM College professors.

Sports, relaxation, and socialization activities complete a comprehensive learning experience, allowing participants to personally experience the disruptive learning approach of H-FARM College.

Want to learn all the details about the Orientation School?


3 luglio
3 luglio

Discorso principale
Avvio della Summer School
Aperitivo di networking

4 luglio
4 luglio

Deep Learning per il clima
Cristiano De Nobili, Fisico e Scienziato dell’Intelligenza Artificiale

5 luglio
5 luglio

Analisi dei dati
Valentina Scardigno, CMCC

6 luglio
6 luglio

Ingegneria dei dati
Sandro Fiore, Responsabile dell’High Performance Climate Informatics Laboratory (HPCI Lab)

7 luglio
7 luglio

Galleria delle migliori pratiche
Docenti della Magica Summer School

General informations

Ca’ Tron (TV)

Summer 2024


Available Seats
60 Seats

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend the Orientation School? open accordion Close

There are no specific requirements for admission. The Orientation School is open to all third, fourth, and fifth-year high school students.

Can I stay overnight at H-FARM Campus? open accordion Close

Yes, it is possible to choose the accommodation option during the purchase process.

How much does the Orientation School cost? open accordion Close

Option with accommodation in Campus, including all meals, cultural and sports activities, and a dedicated event on The Hill’s Rooftop: €999 (VAT included)

Option with lunches, cultural and sports activities, and a dedicated event on The Hill’s Rooftop: €699 (VAT included)

How long does the Orientation School last? open accordion Close

The Orientation School starts with the participants’ arrival on Sunday, July 3rd. Activities begin on Monday morning, July 4th, and end on Friday afternoon, July 8th.

In what language is the Orientation School conducted? open accordion Close

The activities are conducted in the Italian language.

What are the MasterLabs? open accordion Close

The MasterLabs are experiential workshops conducted by H-FARM College professors.

They are interactive activities that allow participants to experience our approach, which is focused on the practical application of skills.

MasterLab #1:
Hands-on Problem-Solving (Massimiliano Fusari, Professor, H-FARM College)

MasterLab #2:
Revolutionary Start-ups and New Disruptive Business Models: Explore the Forces of Digital Transformation (Raffaele Testorelli, Professor, H-FARM College)

Who are the professors participating in the Orientation School? open accordion Close

Here is the list of professors participating in the 2022 Orientation School:

Vittorio Di Tomaso, University of Turin
Nicola Mazzari, University of Padua
Valentina Cucino, Sant’Anna School of Pisa
Elisa Piras, Sant’Anna School of Pisa
Nadia Pinardi, University of Bologna
Antonio Navarra, University of Bologna
Barbara Saracino, University of Bologna
Giorgio Vallortigara, University of Trento
Marco Ceresa, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Are PCTO (School-Work Alternation) hours recognized? open accordion Close

Yes, participation in the Orientation School can be recognized as a school internship experience (PCTO, formerly school-work alternation).

We will ask you to put us in contact with the school contact person to verify any hours already completed within the PCTO program, establish an agreement with H-FARM, and identify a tutor.

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