Urban Playgrounds, a workshop with IGPDecaux and Politecnico di Milano

We took part in a discussion group on brand urbanism with 40 students and Lavazza, Saint Gobain, and Timberland.
The "Urban Playgrounds. Designing around schools" workshop was organized by Politecnico di Milano's School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and IGPDecaux, a leader in Italy in out-of-home advertising.
It involved 40 students, coming from more than 10 countries, who shared their perspectives on brand urbanism and the design and activation of public spaces around 3 schools in Milan.
The experience also included the actors who usually form a project team in this field: designers and urban planners, public administrations, local communities, citizens' associations, and the representatives of 4 brands that are committed to innovation and sustainability – Lavazza, Saint Gobain, Timberland, and us.