Hack for Italy

We are a partner of the online hackathon dedicated to finding innovative solutions in the battle against COVID-19. March 27-29
Inspired by previous initiatives in other European countries, the Italian crisis hackathon edition Hack for Italy will be an intense weekend during which several teams will work remotely on various economic and social problems, all of which are linked to the corona crisis and divided into the categories: Save Lives, Save Communities, Save Businesses.
This public online event will unite developers, entrepreneurs, healthcare experts, community builders, researchers, creatives to tackle the COVID-19 crisis. Everyone is welcome to join the event and put the minds together to come up with innovative solutions to counter this crisis. Participants will share their ideas on how to fix problems faced by the educational and healthcare sector as well as ideas to tackle mental health concerns, the distribution of food, the logistics sector, employment, etc.
The online hackathon will start on Friday, March 27 and will be fully remote with the help of the latest video technology and online collaboration platforms. During this 2-days hackathon, all teams are asked to develop a concrete solution for the selected challenges.Participants can register both as a team or as an individual.
A closing online session will be live streamed on Sunday, March 29, during which the results will be presented to the general public.