Our next events

Here are the next events that we organize and that we participate in, in Ca' Tron, Milan, Barcelona, Monza, Turin and Mestre.
maize.live WonderLEARN – a new dawn for corporate education (June 6-7, Ca’ Tron) – register here
The third maize.live event in our series, it's aimed at rediscovering the magic in corporate learning and mapping out the landscape of education today.
Tech for Breakfast (June 11, Milan) – register here
Our new event format to discuss technology while enjoying coffee and croissants. With Davide Bartolucci, CEO of our media company SHADO, we will explore the new frontiers of storytelling and branded media. [In Italian]
Workshop: photogrammetry of a real environment (June 11, Ca' Tron) – register here
Reconstructing a real 3D environment starting from a cloud of photos: learn how to shoot and recompose the environment with the photogrammetry technique. Organized by our BigRock School.
The Future Culture (June 14, Mestre) – register here
Technology and innovation are changing the way we learn and make use of culture: what are the scenarios that will characterize the world of work? How can we understand and use the new tools? We will talk about it at M9, the new 1900 multimedia museum in Mestre. [In Italian]
Big Open Day (June 15, Ca' Tron) – register here
Every year, our BigRock School trains hundreds of professionals who are hired by the world's largest animation studios and videogame companies. Come and discover the 3 courses in computer graphics, concept art, VR and videogames. [In Italian]
Open Day BA in Digital Management (June 18, Ca’ Tron) – register here
Discover the 3-year university course offered by Ca' Foscari University and H-FARM Education: international professors and classmates, weekly meetings with entrepreneurs and guests, project works with large corporates, interactive workshops and much more. You can also visit the students' dorm.
Customer Experience Roadshow (June 21, Turin) – register here
We participate with both our digital marketing team and CELI, our company specialized in artificial intelligence, will describe the evolution and extraordinary growth of voice technology and smart speakers. [In Italian]
Italian Tech Week (June 26 and 28, Turin)
CELI, our company specialized in artificial intelligence, will take part in the biggest Italian event dedicated to innovation with two workshops: Ultrasenses artificial creativity (register here) on June 26, Open Innovation Day organized by the Rai's Center for Research, Technology Innovation and Experimentation (register here) and ITDAY 2019 – AI: Future of Work (register here) on June 28. [In Italian]
Pink Creative Laboratory 4.0 (June 27, Ca’ Tron) – register here
An interactive exhibit + discussion to present the 3D printed projects created by the participants of Pink Creative Laboratory 4.0, a training course that we organized for unemployed women. [In Italian]