Penta-Workshop to innovate the world of kids & toys

Together with Clementoni, we are partners of the online workshop organized by CI.Lab, Politecnico di Milano and the Master in Design for Kids & Toys.
Covid-19, digital transformation, environmental problems, societal challenges are impacting everybody's life, kids and adults. The Penta-Workshop aims to transform these challenges in new scenarios for the kids & toys system, by designing and innovating toys, places, furniture, apparel, food, services, laboratories and events with kids at the center of any creative process.
We are partner of this initiative together with Clementoni, with which we are planning an innovation journey.
The universities involved are from Italy (Politecnico di Milano – CILAB and Master in Design for Kids and Toys), China (University of Nottingham Ningbo, Ningbo University, Technical University of Ningbo), Argentina (Universidad Austral in Buenos Aires), Australia (UNSW Sydney), Spain (Universidad de Navarra) and Brazil (UDF – Centro Universitário UDF).
The workshop is organized following the 3 main phases of the design thinking process, from the inspiration to the implementation phase, with a 48-hour hackathon in each phase. The students will collaborate in mixed groups for the research and designing activities, sharing their progresses weekly.
On July 30 they will present their final projects to the Master committee and to the Clementoni and our teams.