Alumnus Executive Master in Digital Entrepreneurship

An interview with Andrea Brancher, Alumnus Executive Master in Digital Entrepreneurship, founder and owner – BaseCamp.

What experiences do you bring with you from H-FARM College?

They say, ‘those who know, do; those who teach, don’t do.’ Instead, the ethos at H-FARM College is that teachers both instruct and do. My journey has been incredibly inspiring, at times challenging, but it was worth it! The Executive Master’s in Digital Entrepreneurship has broadened my horizons through practical lessons that allowed me to apply theory. The faculty and guest speakers truly understand what it means to work in a modern business environment. What I take away from this journey is that learning happens through doing.

What are the aspects that have made the learning experience here distinctive? What sets it apart from other universities/courses/business schools in your opinion or based on your experience?

At H-FARM College, you can attend classes, study, and practice both in person and remotely, respecting your own schedule, which is ideal for those like me who have many commitments. This hybrid mode has allowed me to go beyond theory, get hands-on experience, and experiment while learning new things. Applying theory means trying, making mistakes, and trying again to understand what needs to be done every day with clients or collaborators.

I greatly appreciated the exchange that developed with my fellow master’s students, whether they worked in my same industry or a different one. Sharing experiences with professionals or students who invest in their education is an excellent way to grow and build a strong network. Together, we threw ourselves into every lesson, worked in teams, shared our ideas, and provided each other with brilliant feedback.

Speakers working in major companies such as Google, McKinsey & Co., Deutsche Bank, Italia4blockchain, Fiscozen, and Amazon shared their business management experience: another great networking opportunity. Some new contacts have already turned into leads for exciting and meaningful collaborations.

Tell us about your project and what you’ve learned during the course that you will carry with you into your professional life.

Before joining H-FARM College, my project was in its embryonic stage. The idea was good but too risky, as it diverged from the core business of BaseCamp, my Visual Design, Communication, and Branded Sales Tools company.

The digital era urges companies to create a plethora of content and resources to build online sales and corporate reputation. The problem is that this amount of content needs to be managed, and there are many tools to do so. However, nothing I had seen or tried had everything needed in one place; a compromise was always necessary because something was missing. That’s why I decided to develop a Technology and Digital Development division from scratch at BaseCamp. A portal to optimize online content, improve access, and reduce time to market.

I chose to invest in quality – a custom-made platform for a select few companies and choices seeking a 100% personalized service.

At H-FARM College, I learned to ask the right questions and find the most effective way to explain to companies why they needed a better tool. Imagine a single place where all the content is well cataloged, without the risk, for example, of finding the wrong product photo in the catalog or having to search for the company logo on Google. I had identified the problem, and now I had to solve it, helping companies improve their market visibility, increase sales, and optimize time.

H-FARM College taught me that identifying problems can highlight business opportunities. It gave me the tools to develop my business strategies and to sit at the table with potential investors, confident in the value I can bring to that table.

What aspects did you like the most about the course?

Some modules were more interesting than others, but all were equally stimulating, comprehensive, and above all, practical. The entire staff at H-FARM College was always available and ready to help, as were the teachers, happy to assist with anything you needed. It created a stimulating environment that makes it the perfect place to learn.

Can you share with us a motto or a phrase you use to motivate yourself?

Carpe Diem, seize the moment. Because there is no time like the present.

Andrea Brancher, founder and owner – BaseCamp.