Competence Centers: a strategic asset to develop a high-quality educational offer

Graduation of H-FARM students

5 Areas to develop future skills


The “Commerce” Competence Center is dedicated to the study of market dynamics, e-commerce and sales strategies. It is composed of experts in marketing, commerce and consumer behavior, working together to create training paths aimed at developing skills in digital marketing, customer experience, data analysis, and purchasing management.

Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

This Center focuses on innovation, business management and entrepreneurial development. Scientific directors, faculty, and professionals collaborate to design courses that help students understand and address the challenges of modern business management while stimulating entrepreneurial approaches, creativity, and innovation.


The “Operations” Competence Center is dedicated to optimizing business processes and supply chains. Experts in this Center develop training programs that teach methods to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and maximize the quality of products and services offered by companies.

Enabling Technologies

This Center focuses on enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain and other emerging technologies. Scientific directors and experts from the Center work to create courses that allow students to acquire advanced skills in these areas, enabling them to be ready to face the technological challenges of the future.

Talent & Human Capital

The “Talent & Human Capital” Competence Center is involved in the development of human resources within companies. This center designs training paths aimed at enhancing the skills of human resources professionals, focusing on talent management, personnel, and organizational well-being.

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