SHADO and Chiesi Italia

Our media company, part of H-FARM Industry, launched a new digital project about mothers and pharmaceutical products.
SHADO, our media company and business unit dedicated to branding & storytelling, produced the new editorial project of Chiesi Italia, the Italian branch of the Chiesi Group, an international company with a strong focus on research, development, production and the commercialization of innovative products in the respiratory, neonatology and special care therapeutic areas.
The project, named "Che mamma sei?" (= "What kind of mother are you?"), is about Ialu Clenny, Chiesi's new hyaluronic acid-containing product and includes a video and an interactive quiz that represent four kinds of mothers and four archetypes: the elegant mom, the organic mom, the overprotective mom and the dynamic mom. Chiesi and Shado were able to conceive a new way to talk to mothers about pharmaceutical solutions, by communicating with their own language and taking everyday life as the starting point. A digital experience to approach mothers through a dedicated online communication project.