

We are a partner of the online hackathon organized by the European Commission to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges. April 24-26

EUvsVirus is an online hackathon that aims to connect civil society, innovators, partners and investors across Europe in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges. 
You can take part as an individual, mentor or partner: register here.

There are almost 40 challenges in 5 macro areas:

  • health & life

Fast producing and scaling protective materials/equipment; production, conversion and transport of ventilators/respirators; scaling telemedicine; contact tracing/containment strategies; real-time communication of data, experiences and protocolos among hospitals, etc.

  • business continuity

Improving productivity, teambuilding and communication when working at home; new resilient tools and business models; easy tools to help startups and SMEs move online; reconfiguring value chains and logistics; shifting production to create medical equipment, etc.

  • social & political cohesion

Initiatives to protect isolated people and risk groups; support regarding economic and social issues; mapping and connection of volunteers; mitigating fake news spreading; supporting arts & entertainment and new forms of creative expression; fight against crime; protection of democracy, etc.

  • remote working & education

E-Learning methods & tools; efficient remote working; managing family life during remote working and education; lack of access to technology and IT literacy; disproportionate learning outcomes after the lock down; university specific challenges, etc.

  • digital finance

Identification of financial shortfalls; speed-up access to financial support; availability of emergency health insurance; support for digitally excluded people, etc.

You can suggest any other challenge related to the COVID crisis.