Talks on Tomorrow – Health Screening: new technologies to fight breast cancer

A new event of our format with La Repubblica aimed at presenting topics ragarding digital transformation to the public.
Today breast cancer can be cured: survival rate exceeds 90% and, after the illness, women can lead fulfilling and satisfying lives.
The success of this battle is closely linked to the size of tumors: diagnosis time and precise and effective mammographies are lifesavers for women facing this disease. New technologies play a crucial role in identifying even the smallest lesions, when it is still possible to intervene before tumors spread.
What characteristics must diagnostic technology have? How much quick and early diagnosis affects the outcome of care? What about institutions? What should they do to help? What is the percentage of access to screening in every area? If its low, what can be done to increase it? Are breast units sufficiently widespread?
We will discuss it with Fujifilm Italia on October 11, 2019 in Milan. Register here.
The event will be held in Italian.